Body Matters offers in-person and online counselling services and therapy for a variety of issues including shock or developmental trauma, mental health issues, grief and loss, interpersonal conflict, and life stressors.

Reconnect . Reintegrate . Reawaken

Offering in-person and virtual counselling and therapy services to Whitehorse and area, British Columbia, and Nunavut.

Counselling or therapy can be about re-discovering and re-connecting with those parts of ourselves that are alive and filled with wonder. Something remarkable happens when we look at ourselves with curiosity, presence, and acceptance. When we hold ourselves as intelligent and intentional beings rather than problems to be fixed, our relationship with ourselves and others starts to change.

Being human means encountering situations along life’s journey that may cause pain or suffering. The remnants of some of these events can leave their mark on our body and minds. Fortunately, as humans we have the capacity to find our true selves within these experiences. Healing from trauma can help us to reconnect to a great source of wisdom, resilience, and strength. We need not look for what is missing; rather, we gain more by looking at what is getting in the way of true healing and connection.

metal health counseling

Enhancing connection, mental health, and wellbeing.

My practice focuses on supporting deep inner reflection, self-inquiry, and awareness in the movement towards greater vitality and aliveness. I provide counselling services in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, British Columbia, and Nunavut. Click here to find out more about how I work.