Clinical Consultation

For those of us who have chosen the helping professions as a career, the journey of refining therapeutic skills and growing in our field is continual. As therapists, we form unique and heartfelt inter-subjective bonds, which we draw upon to facilitate this transformative work. Because of the depth and intensity of the work, we are called upon to see and know ourselves deeply. It is through our own personal transformation that we can truly hold space and be fully present for another to heal, grow, and transform in similar ways.


Clinical Consultation Services

I offer individual clinical consultation sessions and support to new and seasoned therapists. I am also happy to provide services to other helping professionals such as nurses, body workers, massage therapists, or chiropractors.

Rate: $140 CAD for a 50 minute session.


Free Consultation Services For Students

I have stood (and continue to stand) on the shoulders of skilled teachers that have selflessly given their time and wisdom simply with my learning and growth in mind. I have been held in a learning space that sought only to contribute to my betterment as a professional and as a human. I graciously received these gifts knowing that one day I would do my best to return them to the field by giving of myself in a similar way. Though I am still on the journey of becoming, I am grateful to be able to offer what I can to the profession in a similar way.

I have reserved a spot in my practice for a current graduate student in the field of social work, counselling, or psychotherapy that is completing their practicum requirements. The offering includes one 50 minute session per week free of charge to a student who is motivated to receive additional clinical consultation and instruction during their field placement. If you are interested, please feel free to complete the form below to inquire about whether a space is currently available. Please include information about your experience and interests.